Weather & webcam
A glance at your holiday
What will the weather be like on Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm? Find out the weather forecast for the next 4 days here. Conveniently plan your hike, day's skiing or adventure day on Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm. We would be happy to help!
The weather today, 12.09.2024
Precipitation mainly in the east
Weather situation
A Mediterranean low will determine the weather.
The weather today
At first widespread rain. As the day progresses dry conditions in the west, but it will rain longer in the Dolomites and in the upper Puster Valley. The snow line will drop from 2500 m to 2000 m, in the east to 1600 m.
© Landeswetterdienst Südtirol (* Available from approx. 11 am)
Is the weather forecast not enough for you? Then simply take a glance through the webcam and get a taste of your mountain adventure. The fantastic scenery on Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm is even more impressive live!